Sunday, August 31, 2008


Standing in victory over the evil daddy tickle monster!  She uses her blankie-cape to conquer her enemies with cuteness!

With her amazing speed and agility she can grab napkins right from the table and instantly destroy them them with her super drool...

Powered by rice cereal, she can see through solid walls using her x-ray vision!

Brianna's First Rice Cereal

The day after the party, we started Brianna on rice cereal.  She took to it incredibly well and, as you can see from the pictures, really enjoyed this new cuisine.

She loves her new food and is still all smiles, even though she has also started teething.  The excessive drool has come!

We also have a video of the first feeding, which we will post soon...

Paul's Birthday Party

On the 3rd, Jason and Laura hosted a party for Paul's 5th Birthday!  It was great to get together with friends and family to celebrate the occasion and eat some grilled hot dogs and astronaut ice cream (It was a space themed party)  

Paul and his friends had a "blast" hitting the space shuttle piñata, playing in the water, and chasing each other around the yard :-)

Mt. Falcon

At long last, we are finally posting the August pictures!  It's been a busy month and keeping the blog up to date had to take a back seat to taking care of other priorities.  Rachael, Bri, and I are doing well, but we need a lot of prayers right now, mainly for me to get a new job soon... I was laid off midway through the month.  As always, we trust that God will provide, and I have a lot of possibilities right now.  One of the nice results of this situation, though, is that I have been able to spend a lot more time with Brianna.

Anyways, enough about all that.  Going back to the beginning of the month, Rachael and I took a scenic walk with Brianna up at Mt. Falcon to watch the sunset.  It was a beautiful evening and we definately enjoyed being out of the house.

We walked out to the covered overlook and sat with Brianna.  The view was spectacular, as always :-)

Mommy and Bri looking out across the valley below.

We took a few family photos while we were there as well.