Thursday, July 31, 2008
She's 4 Months!!!!
She is doing so much! She loves to smile and laugh (have you noticed her dimples?). She never cries unless she is hungry, wet, or extremely tired. She is chewing on everything. Her favorite things to chew on are anything cloth and her fingers. She wants to stand and sit up (though she can't do it herself yet). We will be starting her on rice cereal here soon. Can't wait for that! Hopefully we will get a video of it and post it! Her rolling over has gotten much better than when she was 27 days old. She is rolling over both ways!
We will keep posting to keep you up to speed on her development!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
New Zealand Outfit!
Weekend Trip to Santa Fe
Rachael and I were commenting the other day about how blessed we have been this year to be able to travel so much. Especially since we have been able to bring our baby daughter along with us on these trips. Our weekends have been very busy this month, but it has been amazing to see so many awesome places and enjoy all of them with Brianna. However, it is a bit of a shame that she won't remember these trips because she is so young, but I guess that gives us an excuse to go back again with our whole family when the kids are older. :-)

Above is the spiral stairway at the Loretto Chapel. No one knows how the stairway was built, they even brought several master carpenters and none were able to reproduce the unique craftmenship of this stairway or determine what kind of wood was used to build it. The handrail and small metal support (between the stair and the pillar) were added later for safety, but the original stairway was crafted as a completely free-standing spiral up to the choir balcony.
Also in Santa Fe is the oldest Christian church in the United States. This adobe style structure was built on Native American holy ground and originally had dirt floors and stone steps up to the alter.
Nearby the oldest church is the oldest house in the United States. The doorways are rather small and you can still see the straw mixed into the adobe walls of the outside of the building.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
More Mt. Rushmore Pics
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Mt. Rushmore National Memorial
Devil's Tower National Monument
Lunch at Penny's Diner
Friday, July 11, 2008
Poppy's New Toy
Sitting and Standing

Brianna is still building up her back muscles so she can sit up and stand. Right now she can sit up in her boppy and also stand for short periods of time with her hands against a surface.
Aunt Gloria and Uncle Jim

Aunt Gloria and Uncle Jim came out to visit last week and went on a trip with my parents to Silverton, Mesa Verde and Santa Fe

After they got back to my parent's house from their travels, Rachael and I stopped by for an excellent south-west style dinner and introduced them to baby Bri.